Monday, December 13, 2010

Girls make Basketball STATE Poster

8th Grade Basketball Players and Art Students show off their school spirit as they made a poster wishing the 8th Grade Girls Basketball Team the Best of LUCK!! Way to go!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Try Walking in our Shoes!

The seventh graders have been busy painting and practicing shading. With our shoes as inspiration, the students each created a rendoring, or drawing, of their shoe. We studied line drawing and proportions. Then some students chose to paint them with metallic watercolor paints, while others chose pencil and shading materials. These shoes turned out wonderfully! And so reflective of each student's personality. Great Job 7th Graders!!

Partial Portraits

Drawing a picture of yourself is one of the most challenging tasks an artist can face, literally! But the Eighth graders took on the challenge. These classes used pocket size or small mirror in order to look at themselves as they drew their portrait. Then they decorated their backgrounds in a collage style with symbols or objects that are representative of them. This was a challenge and a favorite for many of the students!

Illinois Department of Transportation Poster Contest

These posters were selected to be sent to a statewide contest with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Each of the posters have different pictures and include the slogan, See Orange, Slow Down, Save Lives! Each student in 6th grade participated in the contest. Great Job Sixth Graders!